Publications - Claus Hertling - August 2022
Analytische Invarianten bei den unimodularen und bimodularen
Hyperflächensingularitäten. Dissertation.
188 Seiten. Bonner Math. Schriften 250 , Bonn 1992.
Ein Torellisatz für die unimodalen
und bimodularen Hyperflächensingularitäten.
Math. Ann. 302 (1995), 359--394.
with Gert-Martin Greuel and Gerhard Pfister: Moduli
spaces of semiquasihomogeneous singularities with fixed principal part.
J. Algebraic Geometry 6 (1997), 169--199.
Brieskorn lattices and Torelli type
theorems for cubics in P3 and for Brieskorn-Pham
singularities with coprime exponents.
In: Singularities, the Brieskorn anniversary volume
(eds. V.I. Arnold, G.-M. Greuel, J.H.M. Steenbrink),
Progress in Mathematics 162.
Birkhäuser Verlag Basel-Boston-Berlin 1998, 167--194.
Classifying spaces and moduli spaces
for polarized mixed Hodge structures and for Brieskorn lattices.
Compositio Math. 116 (1999), 1--37.
with Colin Stahlke: Bernstein polynomial and
Tjurina number. Geometriae Dedicata 75 (1999), 137--176.
with Yuri Manin: Weak Frobenius manifolds.
International Mathematics Research Notices 1999, No. 6,
Formules pour la multiplicité
et le nombre de Milnor d'un feuilletage sur (C2, 0).
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse IX no.4 (2000),
Variance of the spectral numbers.
In: New developments in singularity theory (ed. D. Siersma
et al.), Kluwer Acad. Publ. Dordrecht-Boston-London 2001, 235--255.
Frobenius manifolds and
hypersurface singularities, 4 lectures. In:
Real and complex singularities, Proceedings of the VIth workshop at
São Carlos (eds. D. Mond and M.J. Saia),
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 232 ,
Marcell Decker 2003, 306--332.
with Hélène Esnault: Semistable bundles on curves
and reducible representations of the fundamental group.
Intern. Journal of Math. 12.7 (2001), 847--855.
Generic Torelli for semiquasihomogeneous
singularities. In: Trends in singularities (eds. A. Libgober, M. Tibar),
Birkhäuser Verlag Basel 2002, 115--140.
tt* geometry, Frobenius manifolds,
their connections, and the construction for singularities.
J. reine angew. Math 555 (2003), 77-161.
with Yuri Manin: Unfoldings of meromorphic
connections and a construction theorem for Frobenius manifolds.
In: Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology, and singularities
(eds. C. Hertling and M. Marcolli), Vieweg 2004, 113--144.
tt* geometry and mixed Hodge structures.
In: Singularity theory and its applications (eds. S. Izumiya et al.),
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 43 ,
Mathematical Society of Japan, 2006, 73--84.
Formes bilinéaires et hermitiennes pour des singularités:
un apercu. In: Singularités (ed. D. Barlet),
Institut Élie Cartan Nancy 18 , 2005, 1--17.
English translation on the arXiv:
Bilinear forms and hermitian forms for singularities: a survey.
arXiv:2011, 21 pages, 19.11.2020.
Structures tt*.
In: Singularités (ed. D. Barlet), Institut Élie Cartan Nancy
18 , 2005, 47--65.
with Christian Sevenheck:
Nilpotent orbits of a generalization of Hodge structures.
J. reine angew. Math 609 (2007), 23--80.
with Christian Sevenheck:
Curvature of classifying spaces for Brieskorn lattices.
Journal of Geometry and Physics 58 (2008), 1591--1606.
with Christian Sevenheck:
Twistor structures, tt* geometry and singularity theory.
In: From Hodge theory to Integrability and tQFT: tt*-geometry
(eds. R. Donagi and K. Wendland), Proceedings of Symposia in
Pure Mathematics 78 , AMS, 2008, 49--73.
with Yuri Manin and Constantin Teleman:
An update on semisimple quantum cohomology and F-manifolds.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 264
(2009), 62--69.
with Christian Sevenheck:
Limit of families of Brieskorn lattices and compactified
classifying spaces. Advances in Mathematics 223 (2010), 1155-1224.
with Luuk Hoevenaars and Hessel Posthuma:
Frobenius manifolds, projective special geometry and Hitchin systems.
J. reine angew. Math. 649 (2010), 117-165.
with Claude Sabbah:
Examples of non-commutative Hodge structures.
Journal of the Inst. of Math. Jussieu 10(3) (2011), 635-674.
mu-constant monodromy groups and marked singularities.
Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 61.7 (2011), 2643-2680.
with Ralf Kurbel: On the classification of quasihomogeneous singularities.
Journal of Singularities 4 (2012), 131-153.
with Liana David: Hermitian metrics on F-manifolds.
Journal of Geometry and Physics 107 (2016), 60-78.
with Falko Gauss: mu-constant monodromy groups and Torelli results
for marked singularities, for the unimodal and some
bimodal singularities.
In: Singularities and Computer Algebra, Festschrift for
Gert-Martin Greuel on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
(W. Decker, G. Pfister, M. Schulze, eds.).
Springer International Publishing 2017, 109-146.
with Liana David: Unfoldings for regular F-manifolds.
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci (5) Vol. XVII (2017), 1121-1152.
with Alexander Varchenko: Potentials of a Frobenius like structure.
Glasgow Mathematical Journal 60.3 (2018), 681-693.
Preliminary longer version arXiv:1608.08423v1, 18 pages,
with Falko Gauss: mu-constant monodromy groups and Torelli results
for the quadrangle singularities and the bimodal series.
Journal of Singularities 18 (2018), 119-215.
with Sven Balnojan: Real Seifert forms and polarizing forms of Steenbrink
mixed Hodge structures. Bull Braz Math Soc,
New Series 50.1 (2019), 233-274.
with Philip Zilke: Seven combinatorial problems around quasihomogeneous
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 50 (2019), 447-482.
with Sven Balnojan: Reduced and nonreduced presentations of
Weyl group elements.
Journal of Lie theory 29.2 (2019), 559-599.
Automorphisms with eigenvalues in S1 of a
Z-lattice with cyclic finite monodromy.
Acta Arithmetica, 192.1 (2020), 1-30.
with Liana David:
(T)-structures over 2-dimensional F-manifolds:
formal classification.
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) 199
(2020), 1221-1242.
with Thomas Brélivet: Bernoulli moments of spectral
numbers and Hodge numbers.
Journal of Singularities 20 (2020), 205-231.
with Sven Balnojan: Conjectures on spectral numbers for
upper triangular matrices and for singularities.
Math Phys Anal Geom (2020) 23:5 .,
arXiv:1712.00388v1, 54 pages, 01.12.2017.
with Céline Roucairol:
Distinguished bases and Stokes regions for the simple and the
simple elliptic singularities.
In: Moduli spaces and locally symmetric spaces
(eds Li-Zhen Ji, Shing-Tung Yau),
Surveys of Modern Mathematics 16, Higher Education Press
and International Press, Beijing-Boston, 2021, 39-106.
with Liana David:
Meromorphic Connections over F-manifolds.
In: Integrability, Quantization,
and Geometry, I. Integrable systems (eds I. Krichever, S. Novikov,
O. Ogievetsky, S. Shlosman), Proceedings of Symposia in Pure
Mathematics 103.1, AMS, 171-216.
with Liana David: (TE)-structures over the irreducible
2-dimensional globally nilpotent F -manifold germ.
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 65 (2020), 235-284.
with Alexey Basalaev: 3-dimensional F-manifolds.
Letters in Mathematical Physics (2021) 111:90 ,
50 pages.
with Makiko Mase: The integral monodromy of isolated
quasihomogeneous singularities. Algebra and Number Theory
16.4 (2022), 955-1024.
with Makiko Mase: The integral monodromy of the cycle type
singularities. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Singularities.
Preprint version arXiv:2009.07533v1, 38 pages, 16.09.2020.
Rank 2 bundles with meromorphic connections with poles of
Poincaré rank 1. SIGMA 17 (2021), 082, 73 pages.
Also arXiv:2009.14314v2.
with Makiko Mase: The combinatorics of weight systems and
characteristic polynomials of isolated quasihomogeneous
singularities. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2022),
published online at .
Two books, a Snapshot, and some tables online
Frobenius manifolds and moduli spaces for singularities.
Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 151, Cambridge University Press 2002,
270 pages
with Martin A. Guest: Painlevé III:
a case study in the geometry of meromorphic connections.
Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2198, 2017.
In the arXiv under the following title:
The Painlevé III equation of type (0,0,4,-4),
its associated vector bundles with isomonodromic connections,
and the geometry of the movable poles.
arXiv: 1501.0481v1, 206 pages, 20.01.2015.
Geometry behind one of the Painlevé III differential equations.
Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach, SNAP-2018-010-EN, 15 pages.
with Ralf Kurbel:
Tables of weight systems of quasihomogeneous singularities 15.08.2011.